
November 15-17, 2024

Marriot Denver (DTC)

4900 S Syracuse St.

Denver, CO 80207

Marathon Meetings Sign Up Sheet Here

Hospitality Room Sign Up Sheet Here

Online registration shop now open here


Our room block for the hotel is sold out, but you may still be able to get rooms at regular pricing through the hotel Marriot DTC


Book Drive Printable PDF

Talent Show PDF

Printable  Halloween Party Flyer PDF

Convention Entertainment!

Click here for printable PDF

Click here for printable PDF

CRCNA XXXVIII Committee Meeting

Zoom Information

Link here

Meeting ID: 290 350 0360

Passcode: CRCNARocks

 CRCNA XXXVIII committee meetings will be on the morning (9am) of the second Saturday of each month.

For any questions or for more info please Contact CRCNA

Find Announcement & Event Flyers here!

Join the CRCNAinfo Facebook Group

CRCNAinfo is a closed group for the Colorado Regional Convention of Narcotics Anonymous. Any addict who has the desire to join this group is welcome!